Nutritional liquid supplement for Vitamin B group deficiencies
Composition What is the nutrition information of B-Complex? Each 1L contains: Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 8 gm 10 gm 4 gm 5 mg Dexpanthenol Nicotinamide Biotin Excipient q.s.p 30 gm 65 gm 12 mg 1L
Indications What is the nutritional benefits of B-Complex? During and after prolonged antibiotic treatment and chemotherapy; vitamin B deficiencies; anemia; anorexia; weakness; asthenia; polyneuritis; paralysis; digestive disorder, diarrheas and enteritis; mortality or debility in the newborn; coadjutant in artificial lactation; dermatitis and rheumatism.
Dosage What is the dose for B-Complex? Orally mixed in the drinking water. 1-2 ml per liter for 5 days. B-Complex has 0 withdrawal days.
  Code: SYS001 Form: Liquid Packaging: 1L and 5L